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Building Your “No” Muscle

August 29, 20243 min read

“Every time you say “no” to something that drains you, you’re saying “yes” to something that energizes you. And that, my friend, is the real superpower.” - Shari Hudson


In a world where “yes” often seems like the answer to everything, learning to say “no” can feel like going against the grain. But here's the deal: “No” isn’t a dirty word. In fact, it’s one of the most empowering tools you have in your arsenal, especially as a working woman juggling the many demands of career, family, and personal life. So, let’s talk about building your “No” muscle—because saying “no” isn’t just a skill, it’s a superpower!

5 step

So, let’s talk about 5 Step in building your “No” muscle—because saying “no” isn’t just a skill, it’s a superpower! 👊

Step 1: Recognize the Power of “No”

First things first, let’s debunk the myth that saying “no” is selfish or negative. Think of “no” as setting a boundary, much like a superhero drawing the line between what they will and won’t tolerate. By saying “no” to what doesn’t serve you, you’re actually saying “yes” to your priorities, your health, and your happiness. It’s like giving yourself permission to be your own hero!

Step 2: Start Small—Practice Makes Perfect

Building your “No” muscle doesn’t mean you have to start with the big stuff. Begin with the small things: declining that extra project at work that will push you past your limit, or turning down a social event that feels more like an obligation than a joy. Each time you say “no,” it’s like adding another rep to your workout. Over time, you’ll notice that it becomes easier and more natural.

Step 3: Flex Your “No” Muscle with Confidence

Just like lifting weights, confidence grows with practice. The first time you say “no,” you might feel a bit wobbly, like you’re lifting a dumbbell for the first time. But with each “no,” you’ll find your voice getting stronger. Remember, saying “no” is not about being rude or dismissive; it’s about being clear and assertive. You’re simply stating your boundaries with a smile.

Step 4: Build Your “No” Squad

Every superhero has a team. Surround yourself with people who support your right to say “no” and who understand that it’s essential for your well-being. Share your “no” victories with your friends and celebrate each other’s growth. Your “No” Squad will cheer you on and remind you that you’re doing the right thing, even when it feels tough.

Step 5: Celebrate Your Wins

Every “no” is a win, no matter how small. Did you just turn down a meeting that didn’t align with your goals? Celebrate! Did you politely decline a favor that you didn’t have the bandwidth for? High five yourself! These moments are like milestones in your journey toward a healthier, more balanced life.

Conclusion: Embrace Your Inner Superhero

Building your “No” muscle is all about empowering yourself to take control of your life. It’s not about shutting people out or being difficult; it’s about making room for the things that truly matter. So, the next time you’re faced with a request that doesn’t align with your priorities, take a deep breath, channel your inner superhero, and confidently say, “No.” Remember, every time you say “no” to something that drains you, you’re saying “yes” to something that energizes you. And that, my friend, is the real superpower.


Smashing Limiting Beliefs

[email protected]


Founder & Mindset Architect at Smashing Limiting Beliefs | I develop comprehensive strategies that help women to overcome limiting beliefs | See Beyond Limits, Live Beyond Boundaries

Shari Hudson

Founder & Mindset Architect at Smashing Limiting Beliefs | I develop comprehensive strategies that help women to overcome limiting beliefs | See Beyond Limits, Live Beyond Boundaries

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